Thursday, December 17, 2009

Program Description

Trustee Scholars Program

The distinction of Trustee Scholar is the highest honor awarded to students at Ringling College of Art and Design. Given by the Ringling College Board of Trustees, the designation of Trustee Scholar recognizes exceptional creative talent; demonstrated communication and creative thinking skills; and exemplary service, to the department, to the campus, and to the community.

Selected by the heads of each academic department and the Office of Student Life, nominees for Trustee Scholar are forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final selection. In making its decisions, the Board considers the following criteria:

  • Exceptional creative talent, communication skills, and distinction of mind;
  • Contributions to the department, College, and/or community; and
  • Leadership, citizenship, and mentorship.

Every spring, the heads of the academic departments and the Office of Student Life each select two nominees to represent their areas as Trustee Scholars. Nominees submit portfolios that include slides and/or videos sharing information about themselves, their work, and their inspirations; a written statement describing their journeys and aspirations; evidence of their contributions and service to the department, school, and/or community; and a resume. These materials are then presented to the ad hoc Trustee Scholars Selection Committee of the Board of Trustees for review and recommendation to the full Board at its April Board meeting. Students selected as Trustee Scholars must complete their senior semesters on campus. The submission portfolios of the award recipients are housed on file in the Alfred R. Goldstein Library.

Every Trustee Scholar is awarded a $6,000 scholarship; the runners-up each receive a $1,000 scholarship. The Scholars are honored at a hallmark event in the fall following their selection. Trustee Scholars may represent the institution in various ways, attending events or engaging with partners and friends of the College. Trustee Scholars often serve as mentors to other students, inspiring them to reach higher and helping them to achieve their goals.